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Additional LaTeX Resources

The following links provide additional documentation and tutorials for learning the LaTeX markup language.

is an online collaborative LaTeX editor. You can run Overleaf in your web browser without having to install any software on your computer.

The Art of Problem Solving
provides a short list of commonly used LaTeX symbols.

TeX and LaTeX Intro and Resources
offers a compilation of resources including links to software downloads and tutorials.

A Visual LaTeX FAQ
Click on a hyperlinked piece of text to learn how to implement that particular code.

"The great book of nature can be read only by those who know the language in which it was written. And this language is mathematics." ~ Galileo Galilei

LaTeX Video Tutorials

It is often necessary to type mathematical expressions when posting math-related content on blogs, websites, forums, or when writing documents containing mathematical content. We will learn how to use LaTeX (LAY-tek), a document markup language, to do just that.

The LaTeX Equation Editor below can be used to quickly generate mathematical expressions.

CodeCog's Equation Editor is great when you just need little snippets of code to insert here and there, but if you are creating a document that contains a lot of mathematical expressions, you will find it much easier and more efficient to create a complete LaTeX document.  In order to create LaTeX documents, you need two pieces of software: a LaTeX distribution and a text editor.  The LaTeX distribution takes the code and turns it into a document.  The text editor is used to write the code. 

I recommend the following LaTeX distributions and text editors.  All of the programs listed below are open source and are available for you to download and use completely free of charge.

Windows PC Users
LaTeX Distribution: MiKTeX Text Editor: Texmaker
Mac OS Users
LaTeX Distribution: MacTeX Text Editor: Texmaker

Please note: You must install the distribution first, then the text editor. The following document will walk you through the installation process:
MiKTeX and Texmaker Installation Guide

An alternative, if you prefer not to install software, is Overleaf. Overleaf runs in your web browser and can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection. You can register for a free account on their website.

Listed below you will find a series of video tutorials I have recorded to assist you in learning to create LaTeX documents. A sample source file (.tex) is included with each tutorial.  However, you will learn best by typing out the code yourself as you progress through the tutorials.  Be prepared to pause the videos often, and take your time in working through the examples.  A sample output file (.pdf) is also included with each tutorial so that you can see what the end result should look like.  If you really want to test your skills, try recreating the output without looking at the source file.  Good luck, and happy typesetting!

Video Tutorials:

Creating a LaTeX Document (14:18) 
Sample source file: tutorial1.tex
Sample output file: tutorial1.pdf
Topics: creating and building a document, text mode vs. math mode, inline math mode, display math mode, opening a saved file
Common Mathematical Notation (18:48) 
Sample source file: tutorial2.tex
Sample output file: tutorial2.pdf
Topics: superscripts, subscripts, greek letters, trig function, logarithmic functions, square roots, fractions, displaystyle
Brackets, Tables, & Arrays (18:07) 
Sample source file: tutorial3.tex
Sample output file: tutorial3.pdf
Topics: parentheses, brackets, absolute value, tables, arrays
Lists (10:29) 
Sample source file: tutorial4.tex
Sample output file: tutorial4.pdf
Topics: enumerated lists, bulleted lists, nested lists
Text and Document Formatting (16:21)
Sample source file: tutorial5.tex
Sample output file: tutorial5.pdf
Topics: font decorations, font sizes, text justification, titles, sections & subsections, table of contents
Packages, Macros, and Graphics (17:39) 
Sample source file: tutorial6.tex
Sample output file: tutorial6.pdf
Topics: using packages, defining custom macros, inserting graphics
Errors and Debugging (7:32) 
Sample source file: tutorial7.tex
Sample output file: tutorial7.pdf
Topics: finding and fixing compiling errors
Texmaker Tips (15:20) 
Topics: commenting, shortcuts
Calculus Notation (29:20) 
Sample source file: tutorial9.tex
Sample output file: tutorial9.pdf
Topics: infinity, limits, integrals, summations, vectors

Now it's time to create your own LaTeX document. Click here for your first LaTeX assignment instructions.